Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Zoo Sleepover

It was Friday afternoon and the bell had rung for the end of school and me and my Friends were all jumping about screaming.Mrs Gusterson dismissed us. My mum picked me up and we went home packed my bag,had dinner and left to go to the zoo.On the way there we saw Mr Riely walking past so we picked him up. We were nearly there and Mum was having trouble finding a park. So I asked mum if I could jump out of the car, get my bag and run to my friends. She said yes and so I did. Mum parked the car. She came out and I kissed her goodbye. Mum left and I played tag with my friends. Me and my friends were shouting, screaming and jumping. Shanon,the man who was in charge of the key, the zoo and taking us on the night tour, came to talk to Mr Riely and and Mrs Gusterson.Then he told us he was staying here too. He asked us if we could follow him to the back of the zoo. He opened the door and we all walked in. We walked to our camp site. You could run from one side of the room to the other in only 1minute. We dumped our bags and all our stuff on the floor. We got our mattresses and put out our sleeping bags and pillows. That took us about 10-15 minutes. After that we got told the emergency exits. Then we went on a spooky night tour. We were all shivering and quivering like mad. We were lead in the cave and we had to tip toe all the way to the end of the cave. We all got back about 9:00 or 9:30 and got a hot chocolate with 2 biscuits. My hands were really cold. We went to bed at 12 o'clock. We had competitions of who could go to bed the fastest. Olivia won! I fell asleep eventually.That morning we woke up and had breakfast and cake and went home.
By Margot


  1. Hi Margot.
    Sounds like you had lots of fun!
    Unfortunately I arrived in NZ from England in 2008 as a year 4 so I missed out on mine.

  2. Thanks Jenny
    We did have alot of fun because we did alot of active activeties.We also sore some strange animals.

  3. It sounds like you had heaps and heaps of fun! When I went we did around the same things as you did except I don't think we went in a cave at all. Anyway, If your like I was your going to think 'oh my gosh, that was so fun' so just wait till you go on the year 5 and 6 camp and see what you think about that!

  4. hi I remeber that me and Luke were the last people to go to sleep becausee we kept each other awake with scary stories untill about 4.30 am.

  5. Winnie the Pooh (Tigger Has Breakfast)

    Winnie the Pooh woke up suddenly in the middle of the night because he heard some noise.It was Tigger.In the morning they eat honey for breakfast.But Tigger doesn't like honey.Then they go to Piglet's house but he doesn't like haycorns.They go to Eeyore's
    house but he doesn't like thistles.At last they came to Kanga's house,and there was Christopher Robin.They were all watching Roo have his Extract of Malt.That's the Tigger's likes.They likes Extract of Malt for breakfast,dinner and tea to make them stronger.

  6. The Tin Soldier

    It was Peter's birthday and he was seven years old.He got lots of presents.One of them is a box of tin soldier.When he took the last soldier out of the box he saw that he had only one leg.At about midday a gust of wnd blew the little tin soldier over and he fell down on to the street.Two small boys came out and they found it.They put the soldier into the boat on the water and away it sailed.The boat disappeared down the sewer.He sank to the bottom of the river bed.Then he found himself in the stomach of a large fish.The fisherman caught that large fish.Then it was put on sale in the fish monger,s shop in the market.It was a young lady,s who bought the fish.when she began to clean it,she found the soldier.She called Johnny and Mary and gave it to them.they went to Peter,s house to give him back his little,tin soldier and explain the way in which it had come to be in their house.How happy Peter was. One day,the tin soldier throwing to the wood pile by the garden shed.And someone came to collect some wood for the fire.Peter was sitting by the fire when his mother came to put some wood on the fire and,picking up the fire tongs.Then he rescued it.

  7. The Lion King

    Simba is the first-born cub of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi,would join the great circle of life.The animals took their places and bowed to King Mufasa.But,Scar,the King's jealous brother did not join in the joyous ceremony.Simba grew quickly.Scar took Simba to a dead tree and he felt.Simba heard the clattering of thousand of hooves.Mufasa rushed to Simba's rescue.But then he fell under the rushing tide of hooves.When the stampede was over,Simba found his father lying lifeless in the dust.Scar told him that's all his fault.Scar push Simba to run away.Simba ran until could run no more.He met Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog.Simba watched Pumbaa eat a grub.So Simba ate many grubs and grew into a full sized lion.One day he saw his friend Nala.Nala told Simba how terrible things were.Now that King Scar and his hyenas ruled the Pride Lands.She asked Simba to come back become a king.Simba come to take his place as a king.They fight until Scar flying over the cliff,the villain landed in the mob of hungry hyenas.Simba knew that a king must have a queen.So,he chose the beautiful Nala.Before long the animals again came to greet the first-born cub of King Simba and Queen Nala.

  8. The Tiara Club

    There are seven princesses.Princess Katie,Alice,Sophia,Charlotte,Emily,Freya and Daisy want to be a member of the Tiara Club.They don't like Princess Perfecta.Princess Perfecta always likes to be best at everything and she's a terrible show-off.She was here last year,so she should be a senior and member of the Tiara Club,but she didn't get enough tiara points.So she's back in Year One with them and that's made her as mean as a snake-at least.She has a friend.Her name is Floreen.Their head mistress,Queen Gloriana is wonderfully tall and graceful.She's also a little bit scary,because she expects them to be perfect princesses.She decided that the princess who has the most tiara points by the end of today will ride in the Seashell Coach and lead the parade.Fairy G is the school's Fairy Godmother.She told that they will each have one wish and it can't be changed.Princess Katie wish for six silver ponies to pull the Seashell Coach.Fairy g told that the princess who asked for the most thoughtful and unselfish wish will have a hundred tiara points.The winner is Princess Perfecta because she wishes,hot for a perfect face,but truthful heart and perfect grace.But finally her wish is come true and has a truthful heart and perfect grace.She told that she stole her wish from the student who won last year.She was Alice's sister.So the seven princesses have each got a hundred tiara points.Finally the seven princesses sat on the white satin cushions with snow white for rugs over our knees and rolled away in the Seashell Coach.Down the drive they went and away to the town and there were thousands of people cheering and waving at them.

  9. Eleanor The Elephant

    Elephants Never Forget.The fame of an elephant's memory has spread far and wide.That made it all the more embarrassing for poor old Eleanor,all the other animals in the jungly jungle knew all about how easily she forgot things and they all made a special effort to help her out when ever they could.Eleanor had tried all sorts of ideas to try and make her remember things,but none of them had worked.She'd tried writing lots and lots of lists but she began to feel quite confused and forget where she'd put them all.She began to be more and more unhappy about her problem.She was saying as much to her friend Constance Crocodile.She asked Eleanor that there's one thing which you absolutely never ever forget.And that's poetry.All Eleanor have to do when she wants to remember something is write it down in verse.She decided to try it out there and then.And it works.Every time she met Constance Crocodile she thanked her again and again for her marvellous idea.Now Eleanor the Elephant just never forgets.

  10. Betty Brown's Bubble

    One summer morning Betty Brown stood on the lawn in her garden,trying very hard to blow a really big soap bubble.But every time it started to form the wind blew so hard that the bubble burst.Betty looking as if she was about to cry,the wind felt rather ashamed of him self and he felt the bubble float down gently on the lawn.Inside the bubble was a little town with houses and shops and people hurrying about to and fro in the streets.Set on a hillside just outside the town was a beautiful turreted castle.Suddenly,the old man with a long white beard and a rather woried expression glanced up and saw.Betty get inside the bubble to pass a tiny silver door.Betty peering in.His name's Barnaby,the Court Chamberlain of Bubble Town.Betty is very clever at answering riddles.Then Barnaby tell Betty a riddle question.Betty can answer it.Barnaby tell Betty to answer a riddle question at the banquet tonight.King Burno was very surprised that night when Barnaby answered his riddle correctly.Then Betty asked the king a riddle question.The king thought very hard for a very long time,but at last he had to admit that he didn't know the answer.So the winner is Betty.Now,the king knew exactly how poor Barnaby had felt.He said that he will only tells riddles for fun.And winners and losers shall each receive a stick of barley.It's time to Betty went home.A beautiful bubble floated into the queting hall then floated high over Bubble Town and away into the sky.The West Wind blew the bubble gently along until at last he set it down carefully.As it came to rest bubble burst,and Betty found herself standing once again on her garden lawn with a stick of barley sugar.

  11. Jimmy Wanted To Fly

    Jimmy had wanted to fly for as long as he could remember.As he grew older Jimmy began to experiment with all sorts of inventions in the hope that one of them would help him to fly.He tried to making wings but it didn't worked.Day after day he spent in the garden with one invention or another,flapping his arms about.One day,slowly he unwrapped the wrapper on his bubbly gum.Jimmy Kershaw,was the champion bubbly gum chewer and blower of Greenhall primary,and he wasn't going to be done out of the championship because of something that had happened Tubby Moore.A minute or two later the bubbly gum was soft enough to blow bubbles with.Just one more chew and then it burst and Jimmy had to start all over again.The bubble was a monster one,it was huge.Jimmy could hardly believe his eyes,the bubble was getting bigger and bigger.Then,just as he was about to pop the bubble himself,his feet were beginning to lift of the ground.He was getting higher and higher.Every once in a while,Jimmy passed over a town,and he could see the neat rows of houses with little squares of green front and back,and the tall factory chimneys,like a giant black fingers reaching out towards him.Suddenly,that made him forget how was he going to get home.But then came the difficult bit,Jimmy had to turn round,if he was ever going to get home.Then,by flapping his arms very hard,Jimmy started out on his home ward journey.

  12. Willie's Long Wait

    Willie was a little boy about five years old. Sometimes he was so naughty his mum would get really angry and smack him as had been smacked he used to run upstairs to his bedroom and lie on his bed looking at the ducks and dragons his father had painted on the ceiling until the crying stopped.As he lay there,sniffling to himself,he would plan to run away. That would make the sorry for treating him so badly and promised to be good to him. One day as Willie lay on the bed in the grey afternoon he decided that this time he would really do it. It was cold and windy outside, but he didn't care. He was going to show them. He was going to run away and live in a cave in the mountains. It was cold in the cave, but Willie didn't care. After about ten years a small beard grew on his face and after fifty years it reached all the way down to his feet. It was around this time that his parent had finally suffered enough. He would go down the mountain and forgive them. Willie walked down the mountain and into the town. At last Willie reached the house. It was empty. The windows were all broken and the door hung off its hinges. A strong answered the door. It was his mother. It was all just a downstairs and sat down at the table for have some breakfast.

  13. Nipper and Old Tony

    Nipper didn't like school.It was no place for a crab to get an education.Nipper like going into the shallows and nipping people's toes.Nipper was,as his name suggests,a crab.His work at school was poor.Mr Hardy tells Nipper's mother that he was great difficulty in getting Nipper to run sideways.Nipper's mother looked worried.But it was to late.While she had been talking Nipper had edged towards the door and now he was away.Nipper's best friend on the beach was Old Tony,a big,gnarled old crab with a black patch over one eye.When Nipper ran off from school he made his way down to a little rock pool near the sea wall.Old Tony and Nipper left the rock pool and went crawling across the sand.Old Tony pointed to a man and a woman paddling with their child in the sea.Then he pointed to a basket a few yards ahead of them.Nipper stood round waiting while Old Tony climbed up the side of the basket and dropped inside.The man and the woman came up and when they had dried themselves the woman reached for a sandwiches.At the same time the little boy screamed loudly and they all turned to see him backing away from Old Tony who was brandishing his claw at him.Then the man came up and told the policeman charged Old Tony with theft.He took Old Tony off to the police station and locked him up in the goal.Nipper went back to the sea to think.

  14. The Water Dragons

    Sam lived in Mann Street, and the drain was just behind his back fence. Lin lived in Burke Street, her back garden ran down to the drain. Jerry lived in Skinners Lane, with the drain running along his side fence. Sam, Lin and Jerry went to the same school. They were not good or bad friends, they were just the ones who lived near the drain. That's why they all had tame lizards. The lizards were water dragons. Sam would hear his dragon rustling among ferns in the front garden. Lin's liked to lie in the sun behind her dad's compost heap. Jerry's often dozed under the back steps. But all of them went off to secret places of their own. Jerry called his water dragon Flower. Lin called her dragon Zeb. Sam called his dragon Dinosaur. But it's only one dragon and they don't really have any. Now the council was going to clean up the drain. Jerry's dad made him a proper box for the water dragon. Then they put her in. They Could see that from now on they would just have to be friends.

  15. Mr.Jinty's Junk Shop

    Mr.Jinty was the owner of the junk shop. And it was that remark, along with a sign over the shop door, J Jinty-Junk, which eventually convinced all the pieces of furniture, and ornaments, and general bric-a-brac in the shop, that things must change. They just didn't like being called junk. And everyone in the junk shop had same tale to tell. They thought that something must be done. So they had a plan not to working at all.
    It was a busy day. But he didn't make one sale. So he thought that he had to pack the whole lot off to jumble sale. All the pieces in the shop had a second plan. They'll just have to try working as hard as they can, and making their selves look as smart as they possibly can.
    As the day wore on, Mr.Jinty's face began to wear a wider and wider smile. He thought that the stuff wasn't junk at all but they were perfect treasures. And the very next morning he changed the sign over the door of the shop became J Jinty-Treasure Trove.

  16. Charlie and The Cheshire Cheese

    The Cheshire Cheese was feeling very proud and a little dizzy because he was perched up high on a special stand reserved for the prizes in the Marshmallow-by-the-Sea annual village fete. He was the cheese in the 'Guess the Weight of the Cheese competition and he would be awarded to the winner of the Competition. The Cheshire Cheese was getting a lot of attention. A steady queue of people were walking past him, concentrating hard on trying to guess his weight. Next in the queue was a small boy boy with a bright perky face. The little boy studied the Cheshire Cheese from all angles, did some quick calculations and made his guess. His guess was exactly right. Charlie had won the competition. The Cheshire Cheese was presented to Charlie at prizegiving at the end of the fete. Charlie proudly put him into a large shopping bag and they set out off the fete grounds. Charlie was so startled that he dropped the shopping bag and the Cheshire Cheese rolled out onto the grass at his feet. He'd seen lots of cheeses before, but he'd never seen one before which could speak. The Cheshire Cheese rolling along happily beside his new friend. They talked about everything under the sun and the moon. For the next few weeks Charlie and Cheshire Cheese were inseparable. Wherever Charlie went the cheese would roll along beside him. But happy as he was with charlie the Cheshire Cheese still remembered all the friends he had left behind in Farmer Corn stack's diary. One day the Cheshire Cheese and Charlie were walking past Farmer Corn stack's farm.Charlie could see the other Cheshire Cheeses too and he knew that the time had come for his friend to go back to his home on the farm. Everyday on his way to school, he'll see the Cheshire Cheese often.

  17. The Friends

    Hans and Jurgen were great friends. They lived among the mountains of Switzerland, where the snow lay thick on the high peaks for most of the year. Although they were such good friend,they didn't see each other very often. Because Hans lived in a small, white painted hut right at the top of the mountain, and Jurgen had made his home in an equally small hut that clung to the topmost peaks of another mountain. It was a hard climb and terrible journey if they would visited each other. And it was more harder in winter when the snow starts to fall more heavily. So they have to find some other way to keeping in touch. One day Jurgen have invented a new kind of singing that carries right across the valley. Now they can talk whenever they want to. Jurgen called his new singing invention is Yodelling.

  18. Emma's Amazing Poo Plant

    Emma is a girl who live in a third floor apartment. She asked her Mum if she could has a pet. She tried to has a dog, a cat, a guinea pig and a Mexican Walking Fish but it seemed didn't work. Now she has no pets at all. There's just Emma and her Mum's forty-five pot plants. Her Mum has a thing about pot plants. She tell Emma that they make great pets. Suddenly when Emma's Mum was holding her empty pot full of earth, a large bird pop, a big white dropping falls into the empty pot. First Emma's Mum takes a small spade and covers the poo with earth. Then she waters it. But then Emma think some more. Her friends have cats, dog, mice, lizard and birds. But none of them has ever had a poo plant. Each day she water and give it plant food in the pot. One week later, a tiny green shoot appears. She was so excited. Her teacher at school, Mrs Snellbottom, gives her note to take home. It's all about the pet show. Time passes. Soon it's just two more days until the pet are tiny buds forming. On the day of the pet show, Mum makes a special sign for Emma's plant. Mum and Dad come along to the pet show. All the pets are lined up. First they have the cutest pets contest. Second they have the best looking pets. Third the most unusual pet contest.First the fudge reads Mum's note and he was surprised to look at the flowers growing in her poo plant. There's geranium, a rose and a sunflower. The seeds, must have all mixed together in the bird poo. Finally Emma given the blue ribbon for the most unusual pet.

  19. Even Bigger Whopper

    Tamie is a girl who sometimes like to whopper and she liked Jonathan. Jonathan was the cutest and truthful boy in her class. He was attracted to Tamie's honest face and her short nose. He believed if Tamie told whoppers it makes her nose grow. He can't stand whopper tellers. One day a new girl had come to the school. Her name was Natasha. Mr Ho introduced her to the class and he told that she was going to be there for about a month. Natasha was quite. Tamie introduced her to Matthew and few other kids. Natasha told Tamie that she was a Russian Princess and her life was in danger. Jonathan was believe her. But Tamie and Matthew didn't believe her. So the next day Tamie followed Natasha home from school. She hid behind a tree and strained her ears. Then she heard many interesting words that proved she was a princess. She told that to Matthew and Jonathan. So Natasha became her bestfriend. But Matthew still not believe her. Two days later after Natasha left school Tamie, Jonathan and Matthew went outside Natasha's window and listen into the conversation. So they knew that Natasha was a whopper teller. She was there only for holiday, staying with her aunt while her parents were away visiting her nan in England. But Natasha still be Tamie's bestfriend. So they asked Natasha to enter the story writing contest at school. And she agreed. Finally Natasha won. Then Jonathan had a new friend that always tell the truth. It was Pluto, a dog that belongs to Tamie's next door.

  20. Lucy and the Magical Crystal

    Lucy, Misty, Ellie, Sophie, Holly and Scarlett are mermaid Sisters of the Sea, who live in the magical underwater world of Coral Kingdom. The Merfolk and their wise ruler, Queen Neptuna, look after the sea and all its creatures. Coral Kingdom is protected by six powerful magic Crystals, which give life and strength to the Merfolk. Without the Crystals, Coral Kingdom would not survive. Every year, the old Crystals fade and have to be replaced. Queen Neptuna sends Misty and her friends-six special mermaids who are pure of heart to fetch the new ones from the secret Crystal Cave. But as they are bringing the Crystals home, a storm blows the mermaids completely off course. This is not ordinary storm. It is created by Mantora, Queen Neptuna's jealous sister. Mantora wanted to rule Coral Kingdom and now she is bitter and full of hatred. She is determined to stop the mermaids reaching home, so that she can overthrow Queen Neptuna and set up her evil Storm Kingdom instead. Luckily, the young mermaids have courage and friend ship on their side. But that's not all, their SOS Kits will help them as they race to get the Crystals back safely. And they never forget their Mermaid Pledge. Misty and her friends are eager to prove that Queen Neptuna was right to trust them with the precious Crystals. They are going to do everything it takes to get them home and safe guard Coral Kingdom for another year. One day when the mermaids bringing the Crystals home again they saw Mantora burst above the waves and Lucy was immediately caught in the net. At that moment, the wind suddenly dropped and the waves died down again. Under the water, the serpents sank out of sight and Mantora was nowhere to be seen. The Crystals burned brightly in Queen Neptuna's Throne and the six happy mermaids hugged each other joyfully.

  21. The Last Unicorn

    Long, long ago, there was a unicorn called Unsworth. Unsworth was a remerkable animal, with a white shiny coat, a proud head and a long horn stretching from his forehead. He was a beautiful animal, a noble animal, but he was very, very lonely. He thought he was the only one of his kind in the world. He searched, day and night, calling his strange cry at the sun and the moon. But nobody could tell him what he wanted to know. So on and on he went, until one evening, he saw a head of him, drinking from a golden pool, another unicorn. Unsworth was astounded. Through all his searching, deep down, inside him, thought that he would meet another creature like himself. But with one backward startled glance she was off, up and over the hill. Unsworth racing up the hill with his heart pounding. At the top he stopped. There was no sign of her. Soon it would be dark. All night he searched. The morning came and still Unsworth had not found her. He stood at the very end of the headland. Unsworth turned back to the headland and he did so noticed a large book resting against a rock. The book was called Legendary Creatures and the page it was open at showed a large and detailed picture. Above the picture was a caption Unicorns. Unsworth studied the picture. Carefully, quietly, he stepped into the picture. Then a sudden gust of wind closed the book and he was gone forever.
