Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Peer Mediation Meeting

On Tuesday the 29th of March the peer mediators from Crofton Downs Primary School went to their mediation meeting in Room 6.

There were a lot of people there, about 30 maybe less. We discussed things like our roster and knowing if we were still able to do our shift on our particular day. Mrs G had to take a photo of all of us one by one and a group photo of the peer mediators. We also talked about the problems we had. There were two plays about a problem that some peer mediators had, but they didn't solve it themselves, so we discussed that if we have a problem and it's between two peer mediators that we have to solve it our selves.

By Peer Mediator
On Tuesday the peer mediators had a meeting in Room 6.
It was about what peer mediation was about and talking about how to solve problems if the mediators have problems of their own. We had some plays about people who are fixing their own problems making no one feel left out.

We learnt about what peer mediators do and why where here. We also learnt what are the rules of mediation are. The rules are: no name calling or putdowns, no interrupting and agree to solve the problem. We also discussed our roster.

By Aaliah

Monday, March 28, 2011

PE lesson

On Monday the 28th of March our class did P.E. on the back court. We played three games. The first game was called Pattern Ball, the second game was called Zig Zag the last one was Corner Spry.

Pattern Ball was about following a pattern by remembering who passed to you and who you passed to. Zig zag was about a group of six people standing in a Zig Zag position and passing the ball in a zig zag. Corner Spry was when you had a group of four and were standing in a fan shape with one person at the point of the fan and you had to pass to the other people back and forth and once you had passed it to everyone you had to run round and group and take up a new position.

We were doing all of these activities to improve our learning with passing and catching large balls.

By Great Catcher

Learning Throwing and Catching

On the 29th of March Room7 went out to P.E.
First we did a ball skill game called Patten Ball and then another game called Zig Zag and finally a third game called Corner Spry. We did these games to improve our throwing and catching ball skills.

When we did Pattern Ball we stood in a circle and had to remember who we passed the ball to and who threw it to us and try to do it as quick as possible. Next we did a game called Zig Zag where we threw the ball diagonally to our group of 6. The last game was called Corner Spry where you and your team were spread out like a fan and 1 person was in the middle and you had to pass and then run around the group.

By Rebecca

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today in Literacy I introduced some of Room 7 to our class blog. We began by looking at an old post that was written by a student in 2010. The students are going to begin adding regularly to this blog about things that they have been learning in class or activities they have been participating in. The class would like people who read the blog posts to make comments. The blog also gives the students to have some of their quality pieces available to be shared outside the classroom.
By Teacher B