Monday, March 28, 2011

Learning Throwing and Catching

On the 29th of March Room7 went out to P.E.
First we did a ball skill game called Patten Ball and then another game called Zig Zag and finally a third game called Corner Spry. We did these games to improve our throwing and catching ball skills.

When we did Pattern Ball we stood in a circle and had to remember who we passed the ball to and who threw it to us and try to do it as quick as possible. Next we did a game called Zig Zag where we threw the ball diagonally to our group of 6. The last game was called Corner Spry where you and your team were spread out like a fan and 1 person was in the middle and you had to pass and then run around the group.

By Rebecca


  1. Great blog beckey, I loved pattern ball

  2. really awesome blog Beckey!! You described each of the activities really vividly. :P
